Kudos Changing Table Tips
From our team of Moms, Nurses, and Engineers (AKA diaper geeks)
Diapering = your new lifestyle. Welcome! These tried & true tips will help keep everyone high and dry and happy.

Keep a modest diaper stash the first couple months
Newborns run through 220 to 330 diapers in the first four weeks. As much as you want to fill your garage and attic with tiny diapers — know that most babies will only wear size N or 1 their first couple months. During this time, they grow like unpredictable weeds and commonly outpace their parents’ precious stash. So keep your stock modest — and be ready to size up.
Know the signs to size up
Pee leaking through wet onesies and frequent blowouts are clear signs that it’s probably time to size up. Your baby’s diaper also might feel snug, or it may be hard to get the tabs to stick or stay down. By the way, it’s normal for babies to wear sizes outside of the weight range on a diaper package. Go with what works for your baby’s special booty.
Size up at night for fewer changes
Is your diaper working during the day but leaking at night? Consider using a diaper that’s one size larger for nighttime. More diaper material = more absorption. So, a larger size will reduce the likelihood your baby will wake with a wet onesie — and everyone can dream a little longer.
Don’t overstay your welcome in Newborn diapers
Ok this is geeky, but important. Newborn-sized diapers (size “N” before size 1) are cute but also require constant changing. That’s because they’re designed, pretty universally, with no ADL (Acquisition Distribution Layer). The ADL is responsible for funneling moisture away from the baby's bum to the diaper’s absorbent core. Diaper companies leave this layer out because newborns are changed so often, most people don’t miss the ADL. But if you’re like some of us — and your baby takes longer to gain weight — you may overstay your welcome in size N and experience mega leaks. Time for Kudos size 1!
Fluff the leg cuffs out every time or face leakage
See those little leg ruffles on the edge of the diaper that line the thighs? They’re called leg cuffs. They’re specially designed to be fluffed out once the diaper is on so that moisture stays in. If they aren’t fluffled out, leakage is almost guaranteed.
Employ the wet wipe tinkle trick
For babies who like to spray the second you remove a diaper — try this. Gently wipe their tummy with a wet wipe (avoiding the umbilical cord if it’s still there) before you remove the diaper. This is just like holding your school friend’s hand in a cup of water while they’re sleeping — it subconsciously makes your baby want to pee before you take the dirty diaper off. Yay.
Changing table-only toys
Your baby will likely turn into a rolling, angry alligator once they embrace their own free will (at about 10 or 11 months). To keep them somewhat distracted, have a small basket of toys that they can only hold during changing time. Rotate these toys (or safe objects) every week to keep them interested — and mercifully calm.
Try the double diaper hack
For a quicker diaper change, place the clean diaper under the diaper your baby is wearing before you begin the changing process. Once you’ve cleaned their butt and removed the dirty diaper — the new one will already be in position to be fastened on. You just saved a few precious seconds.
Let baby’s butt breathe before diapering up
After a bath or wet wiping, wait a moment before applying cream and putting a diaper back on. The last thing you want is to trap unnecessary moisture which can cause rash, irritation, or even infection. Blowing on baby’s bottom for a second usually does the trick!
Stay vigilant against diaper rash
Rash is sneaky but avoidable. The key? Try not to wait until your baby has redness to treat it. Choosing Kudos with 100% cotton liners is a great start because cotton is the #1 doctor recommended material for sensitive skin.
Pay attention to diaper and wipe ingredients
Contact dermatitis is a type of rash that can result from sensitive skin rubbing up against chemical agents — like ones found in many skin care products and color dyes. Look for baby products that don’t contain common irritants. Kudos diapers and wipes contain no chemical agents or irritants — so you’re good to hang with us.
Ready to never run out of diapers again? Sign up for a diaper subscription and save 10% every month!
Specific questions? Email us at hello@mykudos.com or slide into our Instagram DMs @kudostobaby.