Meet Moira, Our Head of Marketing
Hi everyone! I’m Moira and I’m the Head of Marketing here at Kudos.
Back in November 2019, my journey at Kudos actually started on quite the untraditional foot. Aside from the strange feeling of moving from tech giant to tiny startup, my first day of work was the day I found out I was pregnant. I can still remember sneaking off to listen to the voicemail call from the doctor. After almost three years of trying and one miscarriage, I couldn’t believe it. It was the most incredible news. And I had just started working at a baby diaper company.
A sign? Maybe. To me it was reassurance that I had chosen the right path.
In this column, I hope to share my experiences as a new mom -- all the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the crazy.
As I write this now, I’m about 8 months pregnant and still endlessly fascinated every time my baby girl kicks. I am simultaneously chomping at the bit to meet her, while also terrified that my husband and I are woefully underprepared and have no idea what we’re doing. From what I can gather, however, it sounds like that’s just about parenthood in a nutshell. Maybe we’re more ready than we think ;)
A little bit more about me below!
What motivated you to join Kudos?
The short answer: The people and the mission. Kudos diapers are exactly the product I would want for my future baby, and the prospect of being able to be a part of bringing them to the world was really exciting.
The long answer: After three amazing but stressful years in New York City (with my husband in medical residency and me traveling the world doing global marketing for Uber Eats), we were ready for a new chapter. When a great job opportunity for my husband brought us closer to family in Boston, I decided to put down roots with my job, too. I got connected to Kudos, fell in love with the team and their mission, and decided to take an (albeit scary) leap of faith.
What has surprised you most about working at Kudos?
How much science and chemistry goes into the making of a diaper! And how little people know about what’s in their diapers. I’ve learned a lot and feel lucky to work with Amrita and Emily who really know what they’re talking about when it comes to these subjects.
The Kudos team at our factory making some trial diapers. Let’s just say I’ve learned a whole lot about diapers since I’ve started.
What has it been like to help start a company while also being pregnant?
I couldn’t have asked for a better, more supportive team. It’s unusual for two out of the three people on the team to be pregnant pre-launch. That definitely isn’t what most founders would plan for when starting a business. But Amrita has been nothing but supportive, and I think we all understand that this is the reality when you are a woman in business. At around the same time you start to hit a stride professionally, that’s also the time when babies start a knocking.
After three years of trying to conceive, I came to the realization you just can’t plan these things -- so I stopped worrying about perfect timing. I decided not to make career decisions around trying to have a baby, and I feel lucky to be in a progressive environment that supports my decision.
Kudos team pic! Before they knew I was pregnant :) That’s me and my husband in the back on the right.
What are you most looking forward to about being a mom?
I have twin nieces and a nephew who live nearby, and watching them grow and hit new milestones every day is one of the most special experiences. Babies truly are brilliant and I can’t wait to see this development up close and personal with my own daughter.
Moira with her cousin's son, Hale. Moira with her niece, Jamie. Moira with her nephew, Wilder.
Anything you’re scared about?
Making the wrong decisions, protecting my baby’s health, sleep deprivation, balancing work and home life, being a bad mom, ruining my daughter’s life….you know, the usual. :)
What are you most looking forward to sharing in your column?
For me, I’m particularly passionate about healthy living, baby psychology and cognitive development, and finding balance as a working mom. After I found out I was pregnant, I started joining a few mom communities on social media. I’ve been in awe of how giving and supportive they all have been. At Kudos we’d love to foster this same sense of community with our moms and dads and provide a forum for people to share their experiences and learn from one another.
Three favorite books you are reading right now. Go!
- Crib Sheet by Emily Oster
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
- Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp
Guilty pleasure?
Reality TV (Bachelor, anyone?). Hopefully I’m not already frying my baby’s brain...
Hello world, we’re Kudos! The first and only natural disposable diaper where your baby sits in 100% clean, breathable, soft cotton all day. Not plastic. Join our mailing list below to learn more.